Site News
February Update & Storyline Epilogue
Posted 6 days ago (Last edited 6 days ago) by cossetlingsBrrr, it's still chilly in February but spring is right around the corner~ 🌹
Cupid's Waltz continues in February. As a reminder, this event will end on Wednesday, March 5th 10PM EST. You can learn more about the Cupid's Waltz event in a previous newsletter here.
And things are still quite busy in the ballroom! If you're lacking in golden steps, you can now earn more by practicing daily or listening to the judge herald's woes until the event ends.
Additionally, the waltz has new monthly stock on the eve of the event!
Crystal Flower (February's Souvenir) will be available until March 5th in Cosette's Souvenirs and until March 10th in Frozen Table.
But it seems the waltz isn't the only celebration on Latorre...
happy lunar new year!
Although the Lunar New Year festival started last month, it stills continues in February which many cossetlings and... others :) do love to participate in. Like Yue!
It seems her and Lennox have collaborated for a special LNY reward... If you're wondering 'How?' well, take a peek at the epilogue for the storyline, A Full Moon. Epilogue rewards will no longer be available after Wednesday, March 5th 10PM EST so be sure to claim them before then! In addition, all previous chapters of this storyline are now publicly available and free to read at your leisure. ^_^
To celebrate LNY, you can collect red envelopes by traveling to Towne Brote! With three envelopes, you can cast a spell that will grant you a Hongbao! Remember, this spell is temporary and will vanish on Thursday, February 20th 10PM EST.
Opening a hongbao will grant you goldleaves or, if you're lucky, a new cosprout-- Say, where did it go?
It seems Lennox has found a cosprout that slithered away rather quickly!
New Cosprout: ???
Not much is currently known about this cosprout but, according to Lennox, it seemed to really enjoy the shade. How curious...
In any case, it happens to enjoy lunar festivals as well! So much so, Yue have spotted some positively enchanted by the festivities. I'm sure she'll let you know more if you help her out with something...
From now until Saturday, February 15th 10PM EST you can give one Watcher's Fruit to Yue, and in return she'll give you a special lunar gift which will let you receive your choice of any seasonal cosprout including an exclusive cosprout: Festive ???
Note: Yue's Lunar Gift has also been added to this month's Patreon rewards for the Little Bud and Little Blossom Tiers! 🧧
(Patreon rewards are exclusive to each tier and do not stack.)
There's also a chance to get find a Festive ??? when opening this year's hongbao or summon one using eight hongbaos until Thursday, February 20th 10PM EST.
Speaking of enchanted cosprouts, a certain moving storybook by Malcolm has been republished! With new fans, it seems...
Event Storybook: Cupid & Psyche
This tale will enchant a cosprout to look like Cupid himself!
This storybook will be available until March 5th in Secluded Cottage and until March 10th in Frozen Table.
That's all for now! While this is last month of winter, spring is near. What will the season of change bring to Latorre? I hope you're excited to find out! Thank you for playing Cossetlings and have a wonderful February.❄️
January Event
Posted 1 month ago (Last edited 1 month ago) by cossetlingsHappy New Year! I hope the few first days of 2025 have been treating everyone well. To cap off the anniversary celebrations, the Merry Show Raffle has been rolled. Congratulations to the winner! In addition, winners of the Sticker Sheet raffle will be rolled and contacted on-site at a later date.
As of now, January in Latorre means--Wait, what's wrong, Whitlea?
event: cupid's waltz
Ends march 5th 10PM EST
While the Starlit Masquerade takes place elsewhere, it seems Whitlea has received a mysterious invitation to the even more exclusive Cupid's Waltz. Only the most elite of the elite are usually invited so why was Whitlea? Perhaps it has something to do with the strangers who recently visited her family farm... Accompany her to the waltz to find out!
Cupid's Waltz Currency: Ice Hearts
Intricately crafted charms exchange among those who attend Cupid's Waltz. They melt away once the waltz end, symbolizing a fleeting love.
- Collect one ice heart daily from the Ballroom Entrance for the duration of the event. (Note: For balancing reasons, event currency dailies will no longer give out a goldleaves rewards.)
- Exchange hearts with other attendees for various goods at the Frozen Table or place them in Odette's Fountain for gratitude.
- Earn more hearts from completing the limited-time event prompts: Forbidden Dance, Iced Out, Odette or Odile?
Completing all three event prompts will let you complete Cupid's Waltz with an award of goldleaves, ice hearts, and one of the special event mementos: Ice Swan
All Ice Hearts will melt by Monday, March 10th 10PM EST so make sure to use them before then!
And it should be no surprise that such an exclusive waltz has stock of January's souvenir!
Nightsky Wine will be available until February 5th in Cosette's Souvenirs and until February 10th in Frozen Table.
And that's not all with the waltz... but first--
laurel update
As stated in a previous newsletter, there would be another way to progress through laurel and crown laurels quests besides submitting prompts. Now there is!
With a new daily activity, A Quiet Place, you can exchange gratitude to contemplate Ideas that will help your cossetlings progress through their respective laurels. When you have an Idea, make sure to apply it to the right cossetling!
Additionally, a handful of new laurels and their respective questlines have been added along with another new feature!
New Feature: Tableau Scenes
Tabalaeu Scenes are limited-time scenes, usually tied to an event, where you can select from a variety of options for a chance of a reward. Think of it as a stage play! The current scene takes place in The Ballroom where the Cupid's Waltz is being held. Although the full Dancing Daffodils competition isn't taking place, the judge's patoy herald is monitoring everyone who dances. For each step that impresses the duck, you'll earn a Golden Step.
Collecting 50 of these steps will help you complete a limited-time quest to earn an exclusive cosprout: Swan Lake Patoy
And what's this? Winter seems to have brought another cosprout galumphing from the sea!
Winter's Cosprout: Secallo
Available in January, February
These curious seal-like cosprouts are somewhat withdrawn, much preferring to spend their days swimming in icy waters instead of playing with cossetlings. But when winter's chill come overs Latorre, secallo are noticably more friendlier as they love the cold.
patreon update
The Patreon has been unpaused! If you are able, any amount of support would be very much appreciated. Not only is Cossetlings run mainly by one person, the majority of funds go directly back to the site including hosting costs, bugfixes, and new features. If you like the site and want to see it continue as is with new content and features, please support if you can! That being said, the Patreon will eventually become more of a tip jar as there are plans for an on-site premium shop where you can purchase rewards directly instead of waiting for manual delivery. And, of course, a huge thanks to everyone who has supported so far, both past and present patrons. It means a lot!
That's all for now! There are many things planned for this year including the 'A Full Moon' storyline's epilogue! Thanks for playing Cossetlings! As always, you can share feedback about the site here. Hope everyone has a nice first month of a new year. ❄️
Storyline End
Posted 1 month ago (Last edited 1 month ago) by cossetlingsThe next chapter of the storyline, A Full Moon, has been released! You can unlock the chapter by retrieving the eighth clue from the seventh chapter or by clicking the image below.
This clue expires on Sunday, January 5th 10PM EST and you will no longer be able to collect it.
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the storyline despite the delays! The epilogue, along with related rewards, will be released at a later date in January. Thank you everyone who participated and I hope you're looking forward to the new addition to Cossetlings lore this storyline will bring!
December Follow-Up
Posted 1 month ago (Last edited 1 month ago) by cossetlingsDue to health reasons and real-life circumstances, there will be no follow-up event in December after the recently ended Party for Cosette. That being said, this month's seasonal prompt is now available and the final storyline chapter will still release on Saturday, December 28th 10PM EST with an epilogue sometime in January. And speaking of January, everything should be back on schedule with the next site update on Sunday, January 5th 10PM EST!
Thank you everyone for your patience and for being here to celebrate Cossetling's first anniversary! There's lots planned for next year and I hope to see you there as well! Have a nice rest of December! ☃️
Storyline & December Update
Posted 2 months ago (Last edited 2 months ago) by cossetlingsIt's getting colder and the days are shorter... that's right -- Winter is here!
The Party for Cosette event continues in December. As a reminder, this event will end on Saturday, December 21st 10PM EST. You can learn more about the Party for Cosette in a previous newspost here.
But before the seasonal updates--the next chapter of the storyline, A Full Moon, has been released! It seems you and Cosette are somewhere new...
The storyline isn't the only thing that has returned!
Winter's Souvenir: Cashmere Shawl
Available in December, January, February
This luxurious souvenir grants wool growth.
Cashmere Shawl will be available all winter in Cosette's Souvenirs and Cosette's Little Sister will have them until December 25th.
December's Souvenir: Dried Bouquet
This melancholic souvenir grants a wilted appearance.
Dried Bouquet will be available until January 5th in Cosette's Souvenirs and Cosette's Little Sister will have them until December 25th.
But that's not all! It seems Cosette has brought a new souvenir to welcome the new season.
Winter's Souvenir: Cuppa con Panna
Available in December, January, February
This sweet souvenir will give a cossetling upright ears.
Cuppa con Panna will be available all winter in Cosette's Souvenirs and Cosette's Little Sister will have them until December 25th.
And don't forget about winter's cosprout as the vulorro has returned to Hieland Ranch!
Available in December, January, February
And to top off the festitives, a new raffle has been posted! Earn tickets for a chance to win 'Merry Show' by official artist Saphirune!
December may be a light update but there's many exciting things planned for next year. As always, thanks for playing Cossetlings!
I hope everyone has a nice and cozy December! ☃️
November Event
Posted 2 months ago (Last edited 2 months ago) by cossetlingsThere's one more month before winter arrives, a special month with a very special day...
event: party for cosette
Ends december 21st 10PM EST
Do you know what cossetlings call their birthdays? Merrydays! And it happens to be Cosette's merryday! Well, not today exactly as her parents don't know the specific day she was born. So, instead, they celebrate her merryday all long month. How lucky for Cosette! And for you, as everyone is invited to join!
As a note, this is a one month long event. Due to unfortunate delays, this event will continue through December.
Party for Cosette Currency: Lamba Cookies
A cookie made by Cosette's mother for her birthday. Have one, two, or twenty!
- Collect one lamba cookie daily from the Cookie Plate with a goldleaves reward for not missing a day at the end of each event month.
- Exchange cookies with Cosette's Little Sister or give them to Bessie for gratitude.
- Earn more tickets from completing the limited-time event prompts: Fun Froufrou, Fancy A Cuppa?, Present Present
Completing all three event prompts will let you complete Party for Cosette with an award of goldleaves, lamba cookies, and the special event memento: Cozy Embroidery
All the Lamba Cookies will be eaten by Wednesday, December 25th 10PM EST so make sure to use them before then!
But that's not the only party...
Happy Cossetiversary!
Somehow it's been a year already. Thank you for your interest in this silly little site, especially with the Historical (Alien) Fantasy setting. :') For fun, here's some meta Cossetling facts:
- Whitlea's original name was Trixie.
- As a species, cossetlings were mainly inspired by the Pokemon Whimsicott as well as Pikmin and Splatoon.
- Cossetlings have sheep-like attributes because sheep was thought to be the best fit for a cottagecore setting. The other animal considered were bears.
To celebrate, official artist Saphirune is generously hosting a giveaway! :D Enter a form here to win a free sticker sheet! (If there are more than five entries, the sticker sheets will be raffled off.) (In addition, we are based in US/Canada.)
In addition, you can receive free goldleaves from Goldleaf Goodies until Saturday, December 21th 10PM EST. If you don't miss a day, you'll earn a bonus Cossetiversary Present which contains a random souvenir or cosprout and an exclusive memento: Scrumptious Slice
Speaking of souvenirs, another seasonal souvenir returns!
November's Souvenir: Little Scarecrow
This mysterious souvenir grants an appearance similar to a scarecrow.
Little Scarecrow will be available until December 20th in Cosette's Souvenirs. Cosette's Little Sister will have them until December 25th.
And it seems Cosette has added a new souvenir to her collection!
New Souvenir: Rose Cushion
This prickly souvenir grants a thorny appearance.
Rose Cushion will be available all year round in Cosette's Souvenirs.
Additionally, a new recipe book has been released!
Piemaking (Vol. 1) is all about making pies. Unlocking these spells will let you create yummy pies! With this release, a new ingredient and spells have been added.
But that's not all!
Quest Revamp
Quests have been revamped! This includes new coding that will hopefully streamline submissions and make it easier to track.
If you've started the 'With a Little Friend' questline with the old system, you can submit a claim with your cossetling used in the quest and a link to your previously approved submission to be credited the step's completion. You can then complete the rest of the quest at your leisure.
There's also new quests added for something called Laurels. What are they? Well...
New Feature: Laurels
Laurels are titles or brief descriptions you can add to your cossetling and show everyone what they're about. You can add as many laurels as you want per cossetling except for a Crown Laurel.
Crown Laurels, limited one per cossetling, are more prestigious than regular laurels are represent a cossetling's career or profession. They also have an bonus: When submitting work featuring your cossetling doing something related to their Crown Laurel, you'll earn extra goldleaves when tallying your reward!
Earn Laurels and Crown Laurels by completing their respective questlines with more will be added over the next week or so. There will also be event-exclusive laurels that will be available sometimes in event shops via degrees, items that grant laurels.
There will also be another way to progress through a Laurel and Crown Laurel questline besides completing prompts. Stay tune!
And maybe you noticed a limited-time quest that is currently available. To celebrate the site's anniversary, you can complete it to earn an exclusive cosprout: Merry Lamba.
And speaking of cosprouts, the ramauses have scurried off while a new cosprout descends.
Event Cosprout: Cuerasu
Available in November
While these crow-like cosprouts seem more interested in the Harvest Festival taking place elsewhere, you may see one at Cosette's party. Ever intelligent and curious, they love to observe and play with anything or anyone they find interesting. And they're especially fond of scarecrows...
I want to thank everyone who waited and again apologize for the recent delays. I hope everyone can still enjoy the anniversary. ^^ Thanks again for having any interest in Cossetlings. The next update will be a little later than usual on Tuesday, December 10th 10PM EST.
Have a good rest of November! 🍂
Event & Storyline Announcement
Posted 2 months ago (Last edited 2 months ago) by cossetlingsThe next chapter of the storyline, A Full Moon, has been postponed until December. The storyline's current prompt will not be extended and ends tonight at 10PM EST.
The next event (November) will start on the 20th of this month. The site will go down at 5PM until 10PM for backend maintenance to prepare for the update. Thank you for your patience!
Event Delay
Posted 3 months ago (Last edited 3 months ago) by cossetlingsDue to health reasons, the next event (November) and associated updates has been delayed until further notice. There will be another announcement if this changes (between the 10th-20th). The current event, Hallo'Moon Faire, will not be extended and ends tonight at 10PM EST.
Additionally, the Patreon has been paused until further notice.
Storyline Update
Posted 3 months ago (Last edited 3 months ago) by cossetlingsThe next chapter of the storyline, A Full Moon, has been released! What will Lennox's lantern reveal?
As a note, this storyline will end next month! Thank you to everyone has participated so far!
Storyline Update & GA Announcement
Posted 3 months ago (Last edited 3 months ago) by cossetlingsThe next chapter of the storyline, A Full Moon, has been released! Where did your 'steed' take you?
In addition, guest artists have been picked! There were a lot of great applicants and it was very hard to choose to the point I decided to expand the roster (again). Please know if you weren't picked this time, you can always apply again next time applications open. Past guest artists are also welcome to reapply!
The guest artists for October and November are: Ryn, IchigoWhiskey, suikou1111, soyabirb, and MikauJiro!
Also welcoming hannidrops back as a returning guest artist!
Again, thanks everyone for applying!! Looking forward to all the new cossetlings~ ✿