Secluded Cottage

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Secluded Cottage

While leaving the Hieland Ranch, you spot a familiar letter on the ground, one addressed to Lennox. It seems the mail-cosset must've accidentally dropped it. As you reached down to grab it, a distinguished looking killy appears and snatches it out of your hand!

You kindly ask for it back. The killy gives you a once-over before turning up its nose and running away. Annoyed, you give chase. By the time the killy stops in front of a secluded cottage, you're too tired to be angry.

✿ Malcolm:
A visitor? Dear me, I-I wasn't expecting anyone... oh, Francis! My letter! Were you trying to deliver it, visitor? T-Thank you. My herald Francis likes to make sure none of them get lost. Sorry, he doesn't do well with strangers. Neither do I, but... why don't you come in and rest for a moment?

Oh? I did write all of these books. Yes, those books. I'm that Malcolm. But don't tell anyone I'm here, okay? I-I prefer the peace and quiet. You can browse if you like, perhaps take a book or two back with you?
