30 October 2023 (1 year ago)


glac uhh..

Mouse-like cosprouts that collect cheese and other morsels from other worlds. They tend to keep to themselves and are nary seen. However, they seem to believe Seluna is made of a delicious cheese and are frequently seen during the Hallo'Moon Faire, trying to take a bite of the super moon for themselves.

the terrifying tiger      
436 Goldleaves
605 Gratitude
1 Ice Heart
Crystal Flower
Glass Jar
Golden Step


malware Avatar

Hello, friend. : )
I can't have a baby with you, because I already have a baby and his name is Fitzgerald Grant. And my baby is troubled, and angry, and exhausting, and brilliant, and he might actually change the world if I can keep my eyes on him every minute and make sure he eats his vegetables. And so I don't have the time or the energy or the extra space in my soul for another baby, James. I'm sorry, I don't. I can't. I don't have it in me to take care of someone else, because I'm busy taking care of the United States of America.

2024-10-14 21:33:16 (Edited 2024-10-14 21:34:39)

glac Avatar

You've broken me.

2024-10-15 01:59:42

izutsumi Avatar

hello >︿<

2024-09-17 03:39:50

malware Avatar

I'm afraid

2024-08-21 08:54:05

izutsumi Avatar

Don't touch me

2024-06-22 12:23:57

glac Avatar

Happy smiles!

2024-06-22 15:18:12

malware Avatar


2024-06-20 17:16:40

glac Avatar

( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧

2024-06-21 03:25:30

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