MYO-038: Ilani

Owned by glac
Image #152
Pitcher Plant

Uploaded: 6 months ago
Last Edited: 5 months ago
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Dr. Cavaliere
Is that an apple?!



A doctor who runs a small clinic. His goofy demeanour may be off-putting to some clients, but others may appreciate the relief his jokes provide. Despite his outgoing and silly attitude, he's very tight lipped about himself and his past.


heart hands avatar creds 

He's almost always cracking stupid light-hearted jokes, and is a fan of puns. He'll stop if the situation is serious, but he tries to avoid being in such situation to begin with, despite being a doctor and having to break unfortunate news, at times.

He doesn't talk about his past very often, but some nosy residents have started some rumours. That he used to a violent, cold-hearted and unfeeling man, or that he used to be an overly demure cowardly boy, or that he was raised off-planet, and never learned social customs.

Whatever the truth is, it's probably not something we'll find out soon. (or you will, if you scroll down a bit.)

  • Cosprouts
  • Working with patients
  • Silly accessories
  • Aggression
  • Overly sweet beverages
  • ???


  • A long, long, long, long, long time ago...
  • Or, like, a decade?

i. the beginning

"Hey, kid, hey! Shut up- Just shut up! You need to be quiet!" The voice hissed. The boy squirmed under the figures grip, finally breaking free. He turned and kicked the figure in the abdomen.

"What the hell?! You goddamn brat-" The boy swung blindly, hitting the figure again. He shut his eyes and ran out of the room, following his training and reaching the courtyard.

He took a moment to rest when he reached safety. He pointed to the direction of the room to some of the guards stationed there, and then sat down on the grass and held his head in his hands.

Another attack on his family, and all he could do was run.


ii. the middle

Bleeding, bruised knuckles. 

Expansive knowledge on how to fashion a shiv out of anything.

A large stockpile of bandages and medical supplies.

These are all things he's learned throughout the years, as well as various other things. He's learned ruthlessness. He's learned emptiness. He's learned the feeling of bones under flesh and what that feels like when he applies just the right amount of pressure.


iii. the end

He looks at the vacant, recently purchased building before him and gently places his suitcase down. He readjusts his tie, taking a moment to appreciate the intricacies of the stitching that someone painstakingly and lovingly created. He smiles, picks the suitcase back up, and enters his clinic for the first time.

Design notes


- Usually wears a goofy tie
- The loose black bandages on his arm are a fashion statement. They are not easily accessible medical equipment for his patients, that's unsanitary.
- You are absolutely welcome and encouraged to change the charms hanging from the vines on his horn





Enemy. And business associate, because she supplies herbs for his clinic. There's no actual reason for their mutual hatred, but it's there. He pays well and she does a good job, but, uh...


Coworker, she's a nurse at his clinic. He will always correct people who call her his employee, or call him her boss. He deeply appreciates and values her work, and will always emphasise the different but equally important roles a doctor and nurse have.


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code by Zoraptera

17 March 2024, 13:48:29 EDT

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