MYO-120: Quinn's Links

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Quinn Thoughts
Listen. Darwin. Darwin. Listen to me. Listen. It's just a matter of principle. So what if it's "unethical" or "wrong?" Sleep on this. Reconsider. Go on.
Darwin Thoughts
Nobody tolerates me. Yet you are still here. Why? To be a real friend? To mock me? To watch me recreate the same mistakes?

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Quinn Thoughts
I frequent her store regularly. It's a curious little thing, but somewhere I can reliably source ingredients from. Quaint.
Mimi Thoughts

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Quinn Thoughts
The conductor... I do often see him whenever I pass by the station. I can sense... ...
ravi Thoughts
His face is familiar. Perhaps a former passenger? I've seen so many faces in my lifetime that they're all beginning to blur together... but there's something strange about this one.