July & August Event

Posted 6 months ago (Last edited 6 months ago) by cossetlings

rainy season: END

The rain has finally let up with summer at its peak on Latorre. But it'll seem quite a few cossetlings will miss the rain as Team Rain won the Rainy Season!


On July 10th, everyone from both teams who completed the Rainy Season prompt (by completing all three event prompts) will be able to claim a special Rainy Season Lamba. More details to come, and a big thank you to everyone who participated in the event!

And don't worry Team Shine, you'll have plenty of time to spend in the sun especially during the next event...

event: braving the elements

Ends september 5th 10PM EST

How's your sense of adventure? For cossetlings, it's strongest at the height of summer. Perhaps all the time spent indoors during the Rainy Season reading and reciting stories is to blame. In any case, stations and ports are at their most busiest with cossets miling in and out, eager for a new experience. Whether it's camping, traveling, or even blinking off-planet, many are brimming with excitement to brave the elements and explore the great outdoors!

Braving the Elements Currency: Adventure Log

Not only are cossetlings are natural storytellers, they love to write stories especially when it's their own. So it's no surprise they jot down their daily adventure in journal logs during summer's peak. Collect one adventure log daily from the Sunkissed Cabin with a goldleaves reward for not missing a day near the end of each event month. Be sure to exchange tales of your adventure with others at the Solar Campground for various items or see if you can impress a Grouchy Globetrotter in exchange for gratitude and more.

You can earn more adventure logs from the limited-time event prompts: The Great Unknown, Riddle for the Ages, A Tall Tale

Completing all three event prompts will let you complete the Braving the Elements prompt with an award of goldleaves, adventure logs, and the special event memento: Trusty Compass

Adventure Logs will be archived and vanish on Tuesday, September 10th 10PM EST so make sure to use them before then.

But wait! It's dangerous to go alone so take this new souvenir from Cosette!

July's Souvenir: Poseidon's Trident

This wavy souvenir gives parts of a cossetling's body the appearance of being made of water.

Poseidon's Trident will be available until August 5th in Cosette's Souvenirs and August 10th in Solar Campground.

And there happens to be an additional souvenir for this event as well!

'Braving the Elements' Event Souvenir: Zeus's Bolt

This zappy souvenir electrifys the surroundings and surface of a cossetling.

Zeus's Bolt will be given to everyone who completes the 'Braving the Elements' prompt by completing all three event prompts. You can also get Zeus's Bolt as a possible reward if you collect all the pieces of a Treasure Map! And how do you do so? Perhaps you should pay Raúl a visit during a limited-time activity that will start on July 10th!

And with the Rainy Season at it's end, the patoys seemed to have waddled away with the rain. But it seems a new cosprout has swung onto the scene.

Event Cosprout: Monko

Available in July, August

These monkey-like cosprouts are infamous for their playful and fearless antics. Being quite rambunctious and high-energy, they're usually too much of a handful for most cossetlings. But due to their love of adventures and adventure tales, they're the easiest to befriend during summer's peak when cossetlings are at their most adventurous.

Along with the event, new magic food spells have been added along as well new fruits! A new recipe book will also be released on July 10th. I wonder yummy foods summer will bring? 

And that's all for now! As always, thank you for playing Cossetlings. See you on the 10th!


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