March Event & Updates
Posted 10 months ago (Last edited 10 months ago) by cossetlingsSpring, many a cossetling's favorite season, is finally here! As the snow melts away and flowers begin to bloom, cossetlings gather to welcome a magical season.
🌼Event: flower fairy festival
Ends MAY 5TH 10pm est
For cossetlings, spring is a season of flowers and fairytales. Perhaps, as plants themselves, the feel the magic in bloom. Spring also happens to be a season of change. From now on, events will be bimonthly instead of monthly.
Flower Fairy Festival Currency: Flower Fairies
These paper fairies are thought to be good luck charms during the festival as they may put you in the fair folk's good graces. Collect one flower fairy daily from the Towne Garden with a goldleaves reward for not missing a day. Exchange them at the Butterfly Gazebo for various items or try your luck by turning them in the Twinkling Grove for gratitude and more. Whether or not the fair folk exist on Latorre, they (apparently) do on Earth so it's better to be safe than sorry!
You can earn more flower fairies from the limited-time event prompts: Spring Welcome, Fairytale Fancy, Fairy Charm
Completing all three event prompts will let you complete the Flower Fairy Festival prompt with an award of goldleaves, flower fairies, and the special event memento: Fae Statuette
Flower Fairies will vanish on May 10th so make sure to use them before then.
And along with the festival, a new seasonal souvenir has blossomed.
🌷 spring's souvenir: everbloom branch
Available in March, April, May
This flowery souvenir causes a cossetling grow bark and is only available during spring.
And, of course, there's this month's souvenir~
🌷 march's souvenir: papillion de l'air
This fragrant souvenir will cause a cossetling to sprout fairy-like wings and is available until April 5th.
There happens to be an event souvenir as well!
🌷 event souvenir: winged barrette
This sheep moth souvenir will cause a cossetling to grow antennae.
Winged Barrette will be given to those who complete all three Flower Fairy Festival prompts. You can also get a Winged Barrette by collecting all seven Rainbow Fairies from traveling. With them, create a Fairy Chain with a limited-time event spell! You can turn it in the Woven Basket for gratitude or in exchange for the event souvenir.
Do note, you can't get all seven fairies from one location as they're scattered about so make sure you visit each location!
On the topic of traveling, you can now find berries and a few other ingredients to make use of some new jam spells!
And though the vulorros have scampered off, the flowers have brought in another seasonal cosprout.
🌱 spring’s cosprout: bebom
Available in March, April, May
These bee-like cosprouts love flowers as much as cossetlings do and are the easiest to befriend during the spring season as they become quite bee-sy collecting resources during summer and autumn before hibernating through the winter.
With events now lasting two months instead of one, monthly seasonal cosprouts will no longer change monthly. Instead, they will change with each event. And speaking of, there seems to be a cosprout quite interested in the Flower Fairy Festival.
🌱 event cosprout: lapito
Available in March, April
While they're usually cautious, preferring to spend their time in underground burrows away from cossetlings, these bunny-like cosprouts are positively enchanted by fairytales and as such are the easiest to befriend during the Flower Fairy Festival.
If you're curious about this event's seasonal storybook & snippet, it will be published on April 5th. From now on, seasonal storybooks and snippets will be released during the second month of an event.
But speaking of magic...
🌱 introducing: storylines
Ever so often, there will be storylines that you can follow. Learn more about the NPCs, Latorre, and cossetlings as a whole! And there seems to be something brewing... Perhaps you should pay a visit to Help Wanted.
And there seems to be a peculiar-looking clover growing in Latorre... Stay tune for a limited-time MYO event prompt soon.
As always, thanks for playing Cossetlings. Have a happy spring and say hello to all the new flowers!