COS-025: Oros

Owned by feuepine
Image #351
Ribbon Plant (Trachyandra Tortilis)
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Uploaded: 7 months ago
Last Edited: 7 months ago
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An intensely curious librarian with a thirst for knowledge. He loves to read, and enjoys testing and trying things he's read about, such as recipes, dance moves, spells, patoy herding, fighting styles, sculpture carving, medicine making, blacksmithing techiques, decorative lamba shearing, sculpture painting, killy wrestling, candy-making, sewing, kite tricks, blinking stunts, farming practices, needlepoint embroidery... the list goes on and on, and on, and on... If there's a book in the library that describes an activity, chances are likely that Oros has either tried it out, or is merely a second away from saying "Hey, check this out!".

As such, Oros has a wide variety of tricks up his sleeve, being a classic example of a jack-of-all-trades. No matter the situation, chances are, he has something he can do. Locked in a building? No problem! He's tried lockpicking, and remembers the basics, at the very least. Out of food in the woods? What luck, he was just reading this book on foraging, and he's been wanting to test it out. Injured tail? By sheer coincidence, he was learning how to make splints that very morning, and still has the materials on hand. Rowdy cosprout? Well, there are a few different things he can try, but how about we start with a home-made treat?

Relentlessly cheerful and outgoing, Oros will happily drag his friends, family, acquaintances, library visitors, bystanders, and complete strangers into his experiments. You'd think that having one's plans disrupted for the sake of testing knowledge would leave people with a distaste for Oros, but his enthusiam is infectious, and more often than not, those cossetlings end up having a good time as well, leaving with fond memories of the librarian. For people Oros especially likes, he'll invite himself into their lives, visiting them often with new things to try. An extrovert to the core, Oros has adopted two introverts in particular, Theodore, a shy clock-maker who visits the library to get inspiration (and some quiet!), and Lyonne, a prickly tailor who seems to greatly enjoy gifting Oros new clothes, and always seems to be blushing whenever they meet...


8 June 2024, 18:01:00 EDT

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