
<a href="" class="display-item">Vulorro</a>


Fox-like cosprouts that tend to collect anything they fancy from other worlds. Crafty and aloof, they usually rebuff cossetlings but can warm up to them during the colder months.


<a href="" class="display-item">Jengipan</a>


Cookie-like cosprouts that collect pastries from other worlds. Quick on their feet and quite playful, they enjoy making cossetlings chase after them. They also enjoy Saturnalia festivities and are the easiest to befriend during that time.


<a href="" class="display-item">Estra</a>


Star-like cosprouts that collect anything star-shaped from other worlds. Gentle and somewhat spacey, they love to drift among the stars. They return to Latorre once a year during the Starlit Masquerade to deliver their resources and are the easiest to befriend during that time.


<a href="" class="display-item">Longon</a>


Dragon-like cosprouts that collect treasure from other worlds and hoard most of it for themselves. Some have tranquil depositions while others have fiery tempers.  They also have an affinity for the elements, especially water and fire. Longons enjoy lunar celebrations and are the easiest to befriend during that time.

<a href="" class="display-item">Fawnadu</a>


Deer-like cosprouts that collect love notes from other worlds. Notoriously shy but in love with love, they can't resist a good romance and as such are the easiest to befriend during Psyche Remembrance.


<a href="" class="display-item">Bebom</a>


Bee-like cosprouts that collect flowers from other worlds. They love flowers as much as cossetlings do and are the easiest to befriend during the spring season as they become quite bee-sy collecting resources during summer and autumn before hibernating through the winter.


<a href="" class="display-item">Lapito</a>


Bunny-like cosprouts that collect fairytales from other worlds. Usually cautious, preferring to spend their time in underground burrows away from cossetlings, lapitos are positively enchanted by fairytales and as such are the easiest to befriend during the Flower Fairy Festival.


<a href="" class="display-item">Patoy</a>


Duck-like cosprouts that collect rain from other worlds. Social and outgoing, they generally prefer the company of their own flock over cossetlings. Bother one at your own risk as they can have a fowl temper, chasing cossetlings away while nipping at their flower hooves. However, patoys absolutely love the rain and are the easiest to befriend during the Rainy Season.


<a href="" class="display-item">Kerora</a>


Frog-like cosprouts that collect summertimes from other worlds. Frequently heard but rarely seen, they prefer relaxing by themselves over playing with cossetlings. However, summertime makes them even more relaxed and quite friendly too. As such, they're the easiest to befriend during the summer season.


9 results found.