Little Lamba Gets Stuck
It was a long day of pacing, the little lamba was pleased with the progress they made. With each passing step is another step closer to finding their friend. That helpful cossetling even stopped to point the way of their friend and pick up the fruit the little lamba spilled in their rush towards their friend.
The journey is all turning around now! The little lamba kept chewing on the wheat stalk as they contemplated where this journey would lead them. Oh the stories the little lamba would be able to tell their wonderful friend! The brilliant orange sky blazed overhead, the little lamba is a picture of solemnity with just a cowboy hat and a dream with their cape trailing in the wind behind them.
Under the little lamba’s feet, the grass turned to stone and the rolling fields turned into a sharp incline. It was getting colder with the setting sun but yet they persist for this is the direction that the helpful cossetling saw their friend. The little lamba soon came across an opening in the mountain. It was the end of the trail they were following. Is this where their friend disappeared to? It was a yawning abyss of a cave.
The little lamba adjusted their hat and shuffled at the entrance. They bleeted into the darkness and listened for a reply. Bleeeeee? Was that a sound back? The little lamba bleeted louder into the mouth of the cave. Yes it was a sound! Maybe their friend has been exploring here this entire time! Did they find treasures? Did they get lost and are waiting for little lamba to save them? There is no time to lose!
With a huff to expel their cowardice, the little lamba eagerly stepped into the darkness. Their steps clopped loudly in the small, dark space. The rocks skittering out of their path as they take each resolute step until they hit a forkroad in the caves.
There is no way to go but forward so the little lamba blindly chose the right path. Then another fork appeared. And another. The little lamba was taking so many turns that they weren’t really sure which way was the way out.
The little lamba plopped down on the ground and gave a loud wail, what were they to do now! Oh dear, there was a large rumble behind the lamba. Stones rained from the ceiling and blocked the lamba from going back.
Now there is a better reason to wail so the little lamba sat back down and baaaahed at the top of their lungs. Being sad is tiring work so they took out the fruit from their pack and ate them with gusto
In between bites, their ears perked up. Was that a sound?
There was a joke in the discord that the little lamba yearns for the mines, so that's exactly what I did. They are stuck in the mines and who is going to get them out!!
Why can the little lamba still see in these caves? Well I decided to give it a bit of video game logic, like the Genshin caves where everything is still lit enough to see but easy to get lost in.
I like to imagine that the little lamba imagines that they are a fearless adventuerer that looks cool against the sunset (and they do look cool!!) :D
Submitted By dreamylights
for 🗺️ A Tall Tale
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Submitted: 5 months ago ・
Last Updated: 5 months ago