πŸš‚ Train Troubles: Jungle Surprise

In A Tall Tale ・ By suuffle
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πŸ›€Train Troubles: Jungle Surprise!πŸš‡

≻─── β‹†πŸš‚πŸ’¨β‹† ───≺

(446 Words)

The train continued to speed onward on the tracks, but the little lamba’s mind was racing back and forth, thinking about the brief glimpse they had of the figure on the other train. The cosprout couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something familiar about that cossetling. Were they imagining things? Maybe it was a coincidence.

No, it must've been my friend!

The train chugged on, the rhythmic sound of the tracks creating a backdrop of white noise.

Choo-! Choo-!

As the locomotive continued to move, the little cosprout couldn't hide their feelings of disappointment and sadness of not being able to reunite with their friend. They wondered if their friend had seen them, or if they were oblivious to the fact that they had passed each other by.

The lamba couldn't help but wonder where their friend is going and if they'll ever cross paths again..

The poor cosprout found it difficult to focus on anything else and so they sat alone in the dimly lit compartment. Their fluffy face was practically glued to the window pane. Meticulously scanning the passing scenery for any sign of the other train's whereabouts, with not much success. Watching the landscape blur past, their heart heavy with longing.

The locomotive raced into the tunnel, steam filling the air. It soon emerged into the forest, revealing the deep lush greenery ahead.

With each passing mile, the lamba feels more and more alone, their thoughts consumed by their friend's familiar scent and face. But then.. the train suddenly comes to a halt.

The train's brakes suddenly made a loud screeching sound, jolting everyone inside. Just then, an announcement blared throughout the carriage.
"Attention all passengers. We regret to inform you that the train has unexpectedly stopped. Due to an emergency disturbance occurring nearby, we will be brief in this pause. Please stay seated and remain calm. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience."

The lamba tilted their head in confusion, their green bandana rippling softly with the movement. Before glancing out the window in reaction soon after. The treetops were teeming with monkos, playing and swinging between the branches with ease, clutching onto the sweet, sweet bananas with their scheming paws. Some even found themselves inside the train, clinging to the ceiling and seats, their cheeky grins visible as they eyed the confused passengers.


The lamba watched in amazement as the monkos chirped and jumped around on the train with glee.

The conductor's voice crackled over the speaker again. His tone now becoming more urgent, "Ahem- a- attention passengers, do not panic and please stay seated. We'll be stopping at the nearest station due to this.. unexpected disturbance."

-To Be Continued

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πŸš‚ Train Troubles: Jungle Surprise
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In A Tall Tale ・ By suuffle
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Submitted By suuffle for πŸ—ΊοΈ A Tall Tale ・ View Favorites
Submitted: 2 months ago ・ Last Updated: 2 months ago

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