adventure: detour 1
The lamba’s little hooves click against the ground with vigor and perhaps a sense, or possibly a need, for adventure. They knew their friend had a mark of mischief within themselves. It really wouldn’t be outside the realm of regularity for them to have just hidden away behind a stump, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush the little lamba. That being said, wouldn’t it have already happened by now? The wind carries no sound, no snickering or hushed whispers. Maybe that’s proof that their friend wasn’t there. They also would’ve been excitedly shouting at them as they’d run over, so maybe that’s a hint as well. Would it be rude to leave early? Or, maybe waiting around was the opposite of what they should be doing.
Regardless, the lamba huffs out a breath and begins the expedition with no roadmap, only a destination in mind of finding their beloved friend. There’s many buildings within the Towne Bronte, and there’s many places for a cosprout to get up to meaningless fun. It’s not long before the scent leads them into a smaller shop full of sweeter smells, sugary glaze, warm cakes, cinnamon buns… Even if their friend isn’t here, would it be so bad to stop and get a bite to eat? It’s so early in the morning and they haven’t even had breakfast! Surely no one would notice a missing roll or a little lick of icing off the top of a cupcake. Right?
That is their thought until an older cossetling gently picks them up by their scruff, hooves no longer on the ground.
“You silly beast. This is merchandise, not munch-andise for you.” Man, they were so distracted with sweets and their friend that they forgot all about being sneaky. There’s an air of dejectedness that surrounds them as they get carefully carried away from their prize, the strawberry jam toast with sprinkles of powdered sugar on top.
There’s a bit of shuffling around before they’re deposited outside the doorfront with a little lemon muffin placed before them. A peace offering? More likely, a bid to leave. The muffin is gently torn in what the lamba can gauge as halfway, the two havles being tucked away into their handkerchief that’s been tied around their neck. Their friend deserves a sweet breakfast just as much as they do, and it always tastes better when shared. With the treat in tow, they begin to wander down the brick road once more with newfound wonder and energy.
i already love this dear lamba. let them get their treat to their friend!!!
Submitted By Lossei
for 🗺️ A Tall Tale
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Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago