Whitlea's Day Off

In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle
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Whitlea just loved the rainy season and all that came with it, cooler breezes, the smell of rain, and the sound of it all falling in areas without a raincatcher. Speaking of the catchers, she really should set hers up soon after she finished filling the rain barrels of course. They don't really mind doing things the old fashion way but the catchers were much handier at collecting all the rain, the barrels are for something else all together but she won't say what just yet. It's a tasty little secret but right now they are just enjoying the sound of the rain under her home's rustic awning "aaah, this really does do something for the nerves" not that she had any; Well for now they are just relaxing and watched puddles form before feeling the ache of not being able to move, maybe she'll take a walk under this lovely weather. Time to find the umbrella which is definitely not misplaced! she thinks this while take out the object from a pile of items that were also not misplaced.

The cossetling popped it open outside and started her walk to get some exercise in since all her chores were on hold till the rain had passed or it all got sucked up by the catchers, whichever came first as they happily splashed the tiny puddles along her usual walking route, they hummed in a joyful manner as one would during their favorite activity "oh what's this?" she looked further ahead and saw someone struggling with the rain hitting them "guess I'll go and help" they hurried along to meet the other half way and who did she see looking like a soggy lamba? Cosette "Goodness girl you're soaking wet!" they said with a small chuckle "I forgot to pack my umbrella during my daily rounds, I thought if I ran to the nearest building I'd be able to ask for a spare umbrella or catcher" she said explaining the situation a bit.

"Well you're lucky I was outside and saw ya well, not really saw ya just that I saw someone and decided to help" they said with a slight smile making the other smile as well, both hurried to Whitlea's house so they can help warm up Cosette. "Goodness I didn't think the downpour would grow, it was just a sprinkle when i started hurrying then next thing I know, WHOOSH!!" she said miming which was impressive as they didn't know that there was a mime word action thing for rain. "Oh!! goodness, here I am yapping away and keeping you from your walk" she said a little down now that they interrupted their leisure walk "It's fine, I don't mind helping out a friend" she dropped a towel on the smaller cossetling then started drying her hair "Ack! Whitty I can do it myself!" they insisted but Whitlea was also stubborn about helping too.

"Now lemme just fire up the old fire place for the both of us, it's starting to get chilly with all this rain" they went over to the living room and tried to get the old girl started "it's fine really once the rain lets up a lil I'll be off again" oh and get sick? not on Whitlea's watch as they sat her down in front of the fire place which was now roaring to life. Both were sitting there in silence for a moment, listening to the rain together "Um...once I'm all dried off...could I-" "borrow my umbrella sure, or do you want a raincatcher I think I have a spare around here" they said looking at the box with the pile of NOT misplaced items. Cosette said the umbrella would do just fine as they both started to chat about this and that, the rain was still not letting up so guess it's time for the umbrella.

Cosette sighed out a bit saying she wished it would clear up soon, it's hard to run around in the rain otherwise "Not too soon though, we need that water for our farm" Oh right of course, they assured them that it's fine and understood what they meant "Well here's the umbrella, think you can handle holding it and your suitcase?" she always wondered if Cosette actually had muscles beneath those puffy sleeves but there's no way to find out without accidentally hurting them in the process. Can't accidentally have her throw her back out while trying to lift a haybale for Lennox or a rain barrel on her farm.

"Thanks for the umbrella and the towel, You really helped me out" Cosette thanked them a few more times before leaving the home, Whitlea watched her leave from the porch and stayed sitting there for a while longer "Well...I guess it's back to relaxing" for now until her body aches to move around once more. The rain kept pitter pattering before her as her eyes glazed a bit watching it, another peaceful day on the Whitlea family farm, she wouldn't have it any other way.

Whitlea's Day Off
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In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle

Whitlea has a day off because of the rain, wonder what she'll do

Submitted By Puggle for 🌦️ It's Raining, It's PouringView Favorites
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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