A normal "sunny" day

In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle
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Lennox woke up as his usual time everyday, near the turning of the night turns to day as they got out and began to stretch the best he could, a healthy start helps with taking care of cossprouts as he got dressed for the day and stared out at the sky "mmm" yeah it looked like it was clear so far, not a cloud anywhere in sight making Lennox get his breakfast started just a couple of vegan sausage links and some sunny side up eggs maybe even a tattie scone to nibble on or maybe toast. Either way he will certainly getting a good breakfast out of this "Oh if it ain' the wee lamb" one of his lamba were entering the kitchen to stare up at him.

"Ok ok gimme a mo' will ye?" they gave them a small smile as they had their tasty yet very healthy cossprout feed for them in a bin outside, but first let him plate up at least as they set his food aside and covered it with a napkin before going over to fill up their wooden trough "there there wee ones, try not tae over eat" he will excerise them out in the field later but now it's time for him to eat...right after he checked to see if they had clean water and of course they were out. Ok breakfast was put off further as he drew a few pails of water for the water trough, NOW he can eat in peace only to find his breakfast had gone stone cold from feeding his cossprouts before himself which he didn't mind at all.

Well now that he had a full stomach it was time to get to work, they got their shepherds staff and their hat before heading on out to exercise the lamba out in the fields like he said he would. It's hard but honest work to keep their little friends in shape especially if any wanderer came by wanting one but he was going to make them pay plenty of leaves for them, if they can't pay they can't afford to keep their friend fed and loved.

Time began to whittle down slowly but that's not a bad thing, learning to enjoy a slow paced day is what makes the job worthwhile along with the cossprouts bumbling about especially the one about to snack whitlea's garden, not his problem really if she isn't keeping an eye on it especially so close to his fields. Yes, the day is just fine till he spotted it, a cloud but not just any cloud, no no no it was a raincloud and a wet lamba is not a happy lamba. He scowled and glared up at the grey puff of condensation before deciding to get rid of it before it can get any bigger but...

Lennox won't admit it or at all but he isn't too good at spellcasting, he'd rather let things come and go as it should no sense in messing with too much of the natural order not that he cares if others do it, he just doesn't want to do it himself as Lennox tried to remember the clear skies spell. Ok this should be easy right? right! Except it wasn't since he didn't do this often at all but with enough grit and determination he put the puff of wind out to the cloud to disperse it.

Now instead of a nice sunny day with no clouds in sight there is now comically a large grey rain cloud hanging over his field and ONLY his field, especially on him too. Magic! Pah! Nothing but troubles whenever he gets wrapped up in it as he tried to think of how to chase these clouds away again while sheltering his lamba and other cosprouts in the barn "Grr...just...GO!!" they stomped their foot and pointed their staff at the clouds. Nothing happened. Lennox pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration when he hears someone chuckling "oh~ if it isn't lennox~" Whitlea has arrived to see what was going on, she was having a good laugh at the situation as really again, ONLY HIS area was being rained on comically.

"Wha' do ye wan' Whi'Lea? Can' ye see ahm busy?" he lifted his hat up a bit and ignored the downpour soaking him "Well....I was just wondering what was going on seeing as only this area is flooding with rain...need some help?" Lennox let out a small snort but after a moment he said yes but it wasn't easy getting help from the bovine like cossetling "yes whaaaat?" she teased out with a slightly smug expression "Yes aye need some help" oh so close but no cigar! "Yes aye need help whaaaat?" Lennox stomped his foot and let out a snort "Oh fer th' love of- YES aye need help Whi'lea!!" that got a nod of approval as the other cast the spell with no trouble at all and now the fields are free to be dried off with sunshine and rainbows and patoys making the herder grunt out a thanks and went let out a sneeze.

If it not one thing it's another as they had to get warmed up quick with a bath but at least it's clear once again "ok ye are in charge while ahm busy" a very plucky killy got into a stance and bleeted an ok in cosprouts before going off to herd the others, it mostly looked like headbutts as he bade Whitlea goodbye and went inside to bathe before he caught a cold, just another day in the life of Lennox!

A normal "sunny" day
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In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle

Lennox has a day alright

Submitted By Puggle for 🌦️ Chasing Clouds
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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