Red Drinks Are Best!

In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle
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Well well well, Raúl didn't expect to visit the juice bar today but when the new comer and Cosette showed up saying they needed someone to bartend just for a moment, Raúl didn't want to miss this also he had a slight thirst so two birds one stone. He let the two start their drink making and with the owners ok he got started on his own since he didn't want to put more work on them plus he wanted to try his hand at making one of those fancy little drinks. Work of art they were and art is what he knew as he tried not to think of his failed wreaths from a few days earlier, he cleared his throat to get himself back on track.

Raúl looked for the bartending book and found it, he browsed the pages looking at the few images it had in it but stopped at one called the Singapore Sling. Now the red lovely red color was just eye catching and it reminded him of the passion he had for his work. They rolled up their sleeves and got the necessary items out "Hmm...some of these bottles have fading lettering" Probably from all the handling they do and it being rubbed from constant use or whatever, he had no time to think on it! he had a thirst to quench! Raúl had to follow the recipe exactly or it might not come out as pretty as he got the tools while reading over the page.

"Three fourths one fourth Benedictine...isn't that too little?" what if he added just a little more ah but then the drink might taste weird, decisions decisions but he wanted a good drink not an experimental one, after much debating he decided not to add more because he wanted the same one in the book but maybe next time he'll fiddle with those portions as he glanced over at Cosette and the new comer. One was trying to pour the right amount of juice and the other was fumbling with getting the decorations right, they both let out a panicked voice as the drink spilled over from a slight distraction, oh dear keep trying friends.

Ah enough distractions or he'll never get this drink done despite the sounds of panic over at the other side of the bar, he couldn't help but smile and let out a small chuckle "Heh, she's got this" Cosette will be just fine as he had to find where he left off on the recipe. Right! now he needed another one fourth of something or other as they squinted at faded labels and trying not to over fill the measuring tool "oh boy i hope this comes out tasting good as it looks" as he poured the shots into the tall shaker "Ack! Ice! nearly forgot!".

He almost forgot about the ice! The distraction of the others making a juice had him skip over that there was supposed to be ice in the shaker, luckily he caught it in time as they returned to pouring the rest of the ingredients into the shaker then closing it up. "How long do I shake this thing?" he said while trying to mimic the way the bartender would do it "It just says shake well, that's not a time frame....I guess thirty seconds?" he had to count to himself while he shook before stopping and getting some fresh ice out of the ice box to put into a nice tall glass for his drink "then I strain it, uh, strain it with...with" he looked around trying to find the strainer only to realize it was in the shaker if he uncapped the lid a certain way "This sure isn't easy as they make it look but hey that's how all artistic work is like" They said with a soft heh.

Raúl squinted at the page a bit and added the club soda to his sling then a garnish of orange and cherry as said, well now lets see how he did! They lifted up their glass after putting everything away and looked over to the others, it seems despite the disastrous start and such they did a good enough juice drink. Raúl raised their glass to them and gave his own an admiring look, ah the beautiful red color was simply gorgeous and it matched his passion for his art just as well as he took a sip.

It was...Ok? oh he must've shook it too much plus there was a slight watery taste from the ice melting during the shaking, hey for a first time it wasn't that bad! Raúl went over to Cosette and her group as they cheered with their drinks, they may not be bartenders but they did their best and that's all that matters when quenching a thirst and not keeping an important guest waiting, from what he could see from the other's juice it looked good nice enough. Well here's to a hard day's work done right!

Red Drinks Are Best!
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In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle

Raul has a thirst! Time to try bartending!

Submitted By Puggle for 📖 Impromptu Drink
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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[Red Drinks Are Best! by Puggle (Literature)](
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