A Fateful Nap

In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle
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Cosette stretched her arms out as she walked around the outskirts of town a bit, she needed to stretch her legs a bit after riding trains all day. Don't get her wrong she loved riding trains! But she needs to walk around too so she can enjoy them more as Cossette sat down on a big sunny rock to warm her up, ah the spring breeze and the warmness of the seat made this like heaven as she just stared out at the fields with a soft smile on her face. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, This was a good day when the rustling of some nearby grass had them opening those green eyes to see a lapito.

Oh! Wait!! Is that lapito wearing a little coat and dangling by their side was a pocket watch and on their cute lil snout was a monocle "Goodness!" she exclaimed with surprise at seeing the other making the bunny like creature spring up on their two lil peets and squeak out "Oh dear I'm running late!" Wait it can talk?? They looked at the other and twitched their nose at them "Excuse me" before hopping away. Oh Cossette was curious! very curious but it'd be rude to follow after someone just to see where they were going as the little fluff ball disappeared among the grass but returned just as quick.

"Excuse me! Do you know where the train station is?" Cosette blinked once then twice before smiling sweetly at them "Of course! I'll show you the way" She got up after smoothing out her skirt and picking up her suitcase "But I don't think the trains are running now? They should be done for the day" she said with a tilt of her head, it's past the time since they run so why would the lapito want to go to it? But they did say they'll show them the way regardless if it's closed for the day so away they went. "Well the train we're going to is special, trust me!" Their little tail wiggled with pride for something, unsure of what though as Cosette lead the way.

The interesting duo walked back to town but how strange, it was empty? or at least very quiet as she looked around for someone else but only saw shadows of others in their homes, so they aren't alone. "What's your name little lapito?" they hopped in pace with her and looked up a moment to tell them "I'm simply Lapito Blanco" they then asked for her name "I'm Cosette...I'm very curious about what this special train is like" Lapito Blanco's ear twitched softly as they told them it's once in a lifetime train to see! This made the cossetling excited to see what this one would look like! They finally arrived at the very quiet and still train station but there was no train in sight, maybe they missed it? No, Lapito Blanco patted their hand and pointed as from the distance of the tracks they could see something approaching, a white plume of smoke along with a shining...shining? trains don't shine! But this one did! Cosette let out a gasp of wonder as they saw the train come into the station. It was made of what looked like glass but it wasn't see through, just the coating? or maybe it's not glass maybe it's something else. She wasn't sure! What she was sure of was that she had to ride this train as one of the train workers hopped out. Cossette saw an estra hover for a moment before going up to them and Lapito Blanco handed their ticket over "Alright enjoy the ride! Ticket?" Sadly Cosette didn't have one and it showed on her face that she was sad she couldn't ride the pretty train that shone in the sun "Where does this train go to?" the estra tapped their lil nub against themselves before holding up a spare ticket, Was this? was this for her? She took it from the other slowly to stare at the golden lined and lettered paper that read 'Scenic Trip Around a Wonderous Land!'

Goodness! A wonderous land? Cosette wanted to ride this train right away but she still felt too tired as they sighed out and said maybe next time if the ticket is still valid "Then I'll see you next time, when you're ready" Lapito Blanco hopped onto the train and waved goodbye as the conducting estra followed after. She waved back and hoped she'd be able to meet the other again sometime as the train began to ride off into the distance, the white plume of smoke covered everything making her cough lightly and squint her eyes only to wake with a start. Oh dear, it seems like she was back where she originally started.

On the outskirts of town, on a sunny rock, overlooking a grassy field. So did she dream up the entire thing? They let out a sigh, how wonderous would it be if she could ride a train with a glass like finish all over it, to see the same sights that Lapito Blanco also saw as she got up from her spot, she must've been too tired since she napped right there on a rock outside! She lifted up her Suitcase with a hum, Cosette began her trek back to her place where she missed the sight of a flash of gold, gold lettering with the words 'Ticket for a Scenic trip around a Wonderous Land' before fading into the brown of the suitcase, was the dream real or was it a once in a lifetime opportunity? The only way to know was to once again meet that waist coat wearing lapito with it's pocket watch and monocle.

A Fateful Nap
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In ⌘ Prompt ・ By Puggle

Cosette has a really nice dream! WONDER what she dreamed about?

Submitted By Puggle for 🧚 Fairytale Fancy
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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