Feather of Love
Frankie sat there sipping his apple juice while staring off at the sky, it was the closest he could get to the ocean as it was the same blue sky, maybe one day he'll properly make a map to his beloved ocean. He thought of the sea and how she, yes the ocean is a she don't question him on this as they imagined a lady made of seawater walk out of the ocean and seeing all the beauty of the salty water reflected in her. Frankie would offer her fruit and listen to her tales of the sea from when she first came to be, also he would chuck food for fish into the water with her and they will have fun doing this while staring out at it's endless horizon.
While daydreaming a soft ribbit interrupted his daydreaming and he looked down to see his best friend RockSmith with a white feather with a tiny note attached by ribbon on it placed carefully on his head, They just stared deeply into each others eyes for a few minutes before Frankie lifted it up and read the delicately written note that simply said {Love comes in all forms} and it's true love does come in all sorts of forms as they saw the name by the message {From Cupid} whoa!! from the actual Cupid? This is the first for him as his tail started to wag but what did he see to give him the white feather?
Frankie looked at Rocksmith again and wondered, was it his love for his kerora or love of the sea? He was curious and began to play with the feather a bit, What should he do with this feather anyway? He could frame it but then other people will see it but did he find that embarrassing? He didn't feel much of that emotion as they began to tap the feather on his kerora's head softly in thought "Hmm what should we do with this my dearest and oldest friend?" They simply gave a ribbit making Frankie contemplate on the sound "I see, we could do that too...but then again we don't have tree sap for that or shells, next suggestion?"
They did this for several minutes before Frankie decided to just display it behind a small glass case he had lying around, it used to house his favorite glasswork piece but thought it lonely they weren't with the other kerora figurines so now it lay around empty with nothing inside but now there was something to fill it making him happy as his tail wagged a little faster. He let Rocksmith hold the feather while he dusted off and cleaned the case then got a little metal stand for the feather or would a pillow be better? he wasn't too sure and decided the metal for now until he figured something out.
Frankie found the little metal stand and placed the feather on it then carefully put the case over it, there was magic on the case that made it safe to be reflected in the light and not set fire to anything which is good since most cossetlings are living in wooden structures as he showed it to Rocksmith by lifting him to the case "Isn't it pretty? I'm glad....Cupid sees me in such a nice light, but I wonder when they go around spying on me?" they squinted at the clouds, No surely not right? There's no way of actually knowing so he didn't put too much thought into it as they kissed his kerora's head softly "Lets go get some snacks! We've earned it!" the happy ribbits trailed off softly as they were carried off into the tiny kitchen where they would accidentally eat all the honey made sweets they had saved up for a special occassion.
Frankie got a feather! what color is it?
Submitted By Puggle
for 🦢 Odette or Odile?
Submitted: 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 1 week ago